Stressed and depressed

Financially strapped, many missed days of work… I hate being sick, hate asking for help… and well, I try to take care of my kiddos as best as I can… sucks when others assume I waste funds and spend frivolously…

I shop for things we like and enjoy; I shop thrift stores and consignment shops; I look at ads for deals; price compare between stores; I try to buy the BOGO items we use…

Yet friends and family seem to think we dont do these things. They think we whine all the time. With first suggestions always you need to a new state…

2018 has been horrible for us and others we know who have it worse.

In an attempt to stay home with the girls, I’m selling Thirty-one Gifts… yet the “It’s too expensive” is the most common answer I get when I ask people if they are interested. Especially from family, it hurts. (link if interested is: Summer’s bags and bling)

I take surveys for a buck or two here and there. I use Ibotta to earn cash back on purchases (I have shared my code so we can be a team, ). I even have a decal on my vehicle to generate income… guess what, no hits in the month Ive had it on my vehicle.

Jason & I go without so that the kids can have things. I fill out financial assistance and 95% of the time we make too much… seriously a family of 8. Our last real date was paid for by our 16 year old… our relationship does its thing with stress like everyone else. But I’m not saying we as a couple aren’t immune to issues.

We have had family member in the 🏥 on and off for about a month, combined visits, since May. We have had our share of issues healthwise…. concussion protocol, broken pinkie, broken elbow, dislocated elbow, colds, fevers, anger outbursts, scrape, cuts, stubbed toes, torn rotator cuff, reinjured rotator cuff, sprained ankles… so you can imagine those bills piling up too.

Why am I venting about this? Because, we are human. We have problems. We want to solve them.

Sometimes it feels lonely, sometimes its depressing, but it’s always about FAMILY.

Family is what you make it, we have family we have adopted… the ones that bring that cup of sugar over when you run out and need some, the ones that offer their words from the other side of the country, the ones who just show up to help… Family doesn’t have to be blood, that’s what being a Navy Brat taught me.

What about you? Do you have those feelings too??

Being overlooked…

Again this week, I’m dealing with a lot… Mother in law was hospitalized twice in less than 10 days and discharged yesterday. I have a kid with a loose tooth (or two, one was smacked by a plastic teeter totter), a kid goofing off in a shopping cart and fell out… that’s just a small point.

Today. I was able to be at work all day and met with my bos. We were discussing her maternity leave and she said that her supers wanted to have a temporary fillin Program Manager however she was wanting to give it to another person in our office because “Your hours are being cut next month due to your child care situation” and “She will take over signing contracts & you will just be doing your job.”

First, I am an pissed that I have been looked over 3, yes THREE, times for a program manager

Second, I’m stagnant where I am because no growth opportunity. This is something I bring up yearly at my review and yet every year there are things taken from me.

Third, if I am not growing in anyway but round, why stay? Other than I need the money for bills and I do like tasks I have… but really I keep being cut on hours, tasks, and guess what… they have taken away my favorite tasks…

So I’m reflecting on this and wonder… does this one company deserve me more than my own children? Little Goob is not a happy girl tonight and well, this… this is how we stop crying at midnight…

Testing, testing… Is this thing on??

Hello my friends… it’s been quiet on my end, I know, but no feedback either from you, my readers… so if you can read this…

How are you?

What’s going on in your world? Yes, we live in the same world but you know your world and mine are probably no where near the same.

Which post in this blog do you personally like the most or spoke to you the most?

Do you know where you are in your own battles? Spiritual, physical, mental, or others?

I want my blog to tell you, it’s okay to have battles. It’s ok to have feelings that others don’t understand. It’s okay to live under a rock for a bit but make sure you come out for air, essentials, and life.

What you need to know? I don’t want to judge because that is not my job. I don’t want to condemn you and say “I told you so”. I want you to know that I love you for you, the Judge will determine the rest because He knows you.

I want to be here and share life’s ups and downs and everything in between.

So share below in comments or message me and we can travel this road together.


Summer 💋

Real Life Saga…

Starting a fund … It’s called “Get me out of debt”

How can you help?

Let me know you want to help & Ill send you a random bill to pay for me. I’ll keep the little ones and pay them but you know those $500 medical bills and $800 utility bill can be yours to help me get out of debt…

You in?

Well, that seems smarter to me than a gofund me as you know where the your money is being used, exactly how much and know I’m being legit with it.

Then I can be debt-free, stay home with my kiddos, and sell my Thirty-one bags & such.

Because in the end, it will me that

Still stumbling, yet I’m more alive!!!

Right now I am having a slight pity party. I was hoping to have flown to Columbus, Ohio for the Thirty-One conference to be with my sisters who are on my team, meeting face to face. Instead, I am at home with my brood and keeping up with my day job while trying to not sulk.

Well, why would I wanna do that?? For starters, I need more business and going to conference would have done that by re-igniting my spark. I need a community of people who can push and motivate me in my ups and downs with my business. There are so many other reasons I wished I could go… but the factor for not going is the price of a ticket to get there and back especially when you got into bad debt, have outstanding medical bills, and the ex doesn’t work so they can’t pay child support.

I know, I know… I sound like a pity party of 1… but I’m blessed getting to stay home too. I get to see my lovely family, will be celebrating a 5th birthday with my friend’s daughter, and can get my to do list knocked down a little. I started today by taking 30 minutes, started laundry after Goober went down and worked peacefully in the office at home. I was able to clear the desk and find a large stack of papers to shred as well as try to find uses for some of the products i sell.

Feel free to check out my website:

40? How’d that happen?

There comes a time when a birthday comes and you either can be upset you havent done certain things you hoped to or you can embrace who you have become.

So, when did I turn 40?? Yesterday. I have decided that embracing the amazing life I have is what I need to focus on and not the “well i didn’t do this or that.” I still didn’t get my surprise birthday party requiring someone to plan and execute it… Maybe by the next decade…

I’d gladly accept orders for Thirty-one on my page on my Fall launch party AKA my birthday rewards. (Fall Launch Party ). I just am looking forward to this DS being my best one I have joined & continue to grow here.

Yes, 40 can be scary but here’s my goals:

1. Smile more with my children & their shenanigans. 🤪

2. Spend more time with my children as time is fleeting.🕰

3. Work better on my relationship with my husband so that my other relationships can grow.👫

4. Work my faith more, not just attending church but living a life God wants me to be living.🙏 ⛪📚

5. Stop caring so much for others approval and more about my family needs, wants and happiness to take priority 👫👱‍♂️👱‍♀️👱‍♂️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️

6. Build my business. I love it, Im happy with my commissions no matter how small or large they are!📤💲📥

7. Most importantly, devote time & energy to being healthier so that I will be here for my children longer. 🚶‍♀️

So for the next year, I am focusing on these… I know I will stumble, my depression will kick its ugly head up at some time, my kids are gonna make me wish I didn’t have to work and then again wonder why they get dumb over the summer, and more. Life is about accepting and moving forward, not sitting and waiting without trying first.

It’s late…

A downer with depression is the other things that come with it like insomnia, exhaustion, that devil on your left shoulder and angel on the right… you know what I mean?

I can go to sleep and rest but then the little devil says, “But there is laundry to wash.” It tries to guilt me into losing sleep by reminding me what I need to get done. “Mt. Washmore ain’t gonna wash itself ya know!” Well, someone else can grab that… TOMORROW! Better yet, I could do that in the morning if I remember to.

Tonight, I’m choosing REST because I know my body, mind & soul need it. Good night & Godspeed!!

Shoulder pain

So today I went to the doctors for shoulder pain that I have had for a while maybe 2 months but it just keeps getting worse and worse… Anyhow, found out that I have a rotator cuff tear.

Yup, pain in gets bad and well physical therapy is next… Here’s hoping that it heals quickly since I really hope it doesnt tear completely. Yes, I really am worried about that.

You see my Boog likes to pull my right arm back when she climbs on me… in a chair, on the floor or in my bed. I had my client make me either jerk my arm back or jump up quickly when they escalated that could have caused more issues. Nursing the Goob is hard on me too especially on the right side since that’s the arm I hold her in.

So, movement is healing help for this… then if not resolved it can become surgical … no I am not excited about that at all.

On a plus side, i did take after my dad in this kind of ailment… Thanks Dad!!

Borrowed pictures from Google images… But I didn’t realize how many types of rotator cuff tears there could be!!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

God Sightings

This week is almost done. I have seen some amazing things this week.

From Leo waking up after a might at the drive-in (ie didnt end until 215 am) to make True & friends pancakes for her birthday gift, to seeing She-ra loving Vacation Bible School and talking about it. Moose learning D&D figurine painting, Booger wanting to be 3 just so she can participate in VBS, to Goober sitting and playing in the bath instead of screaming.

Other amazing things have included my children being shown compassion and understanding not only by adults but other children. Hearing praise of friends & co-workers. Hearing a co-worker helped to stop a real fire.

But it’s the stopping to pick up a friend’s dog that got out again, paying off that friend who was kind enough to take care of your children but honest enough to say “Sorry, I’m overwhelmed and can’t keep them.” From people bending backward to ensure my daughter doesn’t miss a camp with the church group because we didn’t know she truly wanted to go until it was upon us. Random blessings in the mail. Feeling productive enough to actually devote time to something you didn’t think you wanted to do.

Ya know… that random stranger who smiles, the person who grabs the door for you, the person who takes your cart back into the store so you don’t have to, and even those you do those things for… those are God sightings.

Be aware of that little voice that gnaws at you to do something positive for others, they may send you a small glimpse of something you may have missed.

Bags & Bling

So I sell bags, totes and more with my Direct Sale company. I love the product and it is useful.

It’s not my first rodeo with DS businesses as I have now been part of 3. This however has the best support system of all of them for me.

My upline isn’t pushy, she doesn’t do more than asking how are you & do you need help? Often my answer is “Good, nah” but when I do need the help she’s there for me. She hasn’t just “disappeared”.

Not only is she supportive but our little team is supportive. I haven’t been up to recruiting people because I don’t feel like I am at the right space yet. I am able to ask in our group for help and they truly do help me.

I, of course, couldn’t do this without my customers which is constantly an ebb & flow. We have amazing specials and twice a year they do a major outlet sale… which we are in the middle of now. Our current special is awesome too & great for back to school (click the picture to go to my site)

When deciding on joining a team ask about the whole team, not just your recruiter. Look into what YOU love about the product and if that is a viable option, would it work for you? Are you gonna be stuck with a large loan or inventory if your brand flops where you are? How many other sellers in your area? What’s your demographics like?

These are things you might want to look into before jumping in. Some day soon I hope to have my first recruit to my team, but I know that will happen in its own time.

Remember, you can’t really sell something you don’t like, so if you don’t use it on a daily basis, you might want to reconsider.