Being overlooked…

Again this week, I’m dealing with a lot… Mother in law was hospitalized twice in less than 10 days and discharged yesterday. I have a kid with a loose tooth (or two, one was smacked by a plastic teeter totter), a kid goofing off in a shopping cart and fell out… that’s just a small point.

Today. I was able to be at work all day and met with my bos. We were discussing her maternity leave and she said that her supers wanted to have a temporary fillin Program Manager however she was wanting to give it to another person in our office because “Your hours are being cut next month due to your child care situation” and “She will take over signing contracts & you will just be doing your job.”

First, I am an pissed that I have been looked over 3, yes THREE, times for a program manager

Second, I’m stagnant where I am because no growth opportunity. This is something I bring up yearly at my review and yet every year there are things taken from me.

Third, if I am not growing in anyway but round, why stay? Other than I need the money for bills and I do like tasks I have… but really I keep being cut on hours, tasks, and guess what… they have taken away my favorite tasks…

So I’m reflecting on this and wonder… does this one company deserve me more than my own children? Little Goob is not a happy girl tonight and well, this… this is how we stop crying at midnight…

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