Real Life Saga…

Starting a fund … It’s called “Get me out of debt”

How can you help?

Let me know you want to help & Ill send you a random bill to pay for me. I’ll keep the little ones and pay them but you know those $500 medical bills and $800 utility bill can be yours to help me get out of debt…

You in?

Well, that seems smarter to me than a gofund me as you know where the your money is being used, exactly how much and know I’m being legit with it.

Then I can be debt-free, stay home with my kiddos, and sell my Thirty-one bags & such.

Because in the end, it will me that

Still stumbling, yet I’m more alive!!!

Right now I am having a slight pity party. I was hoping to have flown to Columbus, Ohio for the Thirty-One conference to be with my sisters who are on my team, meeting face to face. Instead, I am at home with my brood and keeping up with my day job while trying to not sulk.

Well, why would I wanna do that?? For starters, I need more business and going to conference would have done that by re-igniting my spark. I need a community of people who can push and motivate me in my ups and downs with my business. There are so many other reasons I wished I could go… but the factor for not going is the price of a ticket to get there and back especially when you got into bad debt, have outstanding medical bills, and the ex doesn’t work so they can’t pay child support.

I know, I know… I sound like a pity party of 1… but I’m blessed getting to stay home too. I get to see my lovely family, will be celebrating a 5th birthday with my friend’s daughter, and can get my to do list knocked down a little. I started today by taking 30 minutes, started laundry after Goober went down and worked peacefully in the office at home. I was able to clear the desk and find a large stack of papers to shred as well as try to find uses for some of the products i sell.

Feel free to check out my website:

40? How’d that happen?

There comes a time when a birthday comes and you either can be upset you havent done certain things you hoped to or you can embrace who you have become.

So, when did I turn 40?? Yesterday. I have decided that embracing the amazing life I have is what I need to focus on and not the “well i didn’t do this or that.” I still didn’t get my surprise birthday party requiring someone to plan and execute it… Maybe by the next decade…

I’d gladly accept orders for Thirty-one on my page on my Fall launch party AKA my birthday rewards. (Fall Launch Party ). I just am looking forward to this DS being my best one I have joined & continue to grow here.

Yes, 40 can be scary but here’s my goals:

1. Smile more with my children & their shenanigans. 🤪

2. Spend more time with my children as time is fleeting.🕰

3. Work better on my relationship with my husband so that my other relationships can grow.👫

4. Work my faith more, not just attending church but living a life God wants me to be living.🙏 ⛪📚

5. Stop caring so much for others approval and more about my family needs, wants and happiness to take priority 👫👱‍♂️👱‍♀️👱‍♂️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️👱‍♀️

6. Build my business. I love it, Im happy with my commissions no matter how small or large they are!📤💲📥

7. Most importantly, devote time & energy to being healthier so that I will be here for my children longer. 🚶‍♀️

So for the next year, I am focusing on these… I know I will stumble, my depression will kick its ugly head up at some time, my kids are gonna make me wish I didn’t have to work and then again wonder why they get dumb over the summer, and more. Life is about accepting and moving forward, not sitting and waiting without trying first.

It’s late…

A downer with depression is the other things that come with it like insomnia, exhaustion, that devil on your left shoulder and angel on the right… you know what I mean?

I can go to sleep and rest but then the little devil says, “But there is laundry to wash.” It tries to guilt me into losing sleep by reminding me what I need to get done. “Mt. Washmore ain’t gonna wash itself ya know!” Well, someone else can grab that… TOMORROW! Better yet, I could do that in the morning if I remember to.

Tonight, I’m choosing REST because I know my body, mind & soul need it. Good night & Godspeed!!

I know I have done right…

Last night I got a surprise. My amazing 16 year old paid for my hubs and I to go out to dinner at one of the local higher class establishments.

He told the hubs that I was stressed out and we needed to get out. My 16 year old was cognizant of my feelings. He took care of planning it so I had no clue.

We had an hour out… no kids, no phones, no interruptions. We got to see our boy working and enjoying it. He even picked out dessert and plated it himself for us.

I felt relief as this last week mentally was hell for me. I realize he does listen and care.

Love you Leo!!

God Sightings

This week is almost done. I have seen some amazing things this week.

From Leo waking up after a might at the drive-in (ie didnt end until 215 am) to make True & friends pancakes for her birthday gift, to seeing She-ra loving Vacation Bible School and talking about it. Moose learning D&D figurine painting, Booger wanting to be 3 just so she can participate in VBS, to Goober sitting and playing in the bath instead of screaming.

Other amazing things have included my children being shown compassion and understanding not only by adults but other children. Hearing praise of friends & co-workers. Hearing a co-worker helped to stop a real fire.

But it’s the stopping to pick up a friend’s dog that got out again, paying off that friend who was kind enough to take care of your children but honest enough to say “Sorry, I’m overwhelmed and can’t keep them.” From people bending backward to ensure my daughter doesn’t miss a camp with the church group because we didn’t know she truly wanted to go until it was upon us. Random blessings in the mail. Feeling productive enough to actually devote time to something you didn’t think you wanted to do.

Ya know… that random stranger who smiles, the person who grabs the door for you, the person who takes your cart back into the store so you don’t have to, and even those you do those things for… those are God sightings.

Be aware of that little voice that gnaws at you to do something positive for others, they may send you a small glimpse of something you may have missed.

Bags & Bling

So I sell bags, totes and more with my Direct Sale company. I love the product and it is useful.

It’s not my first rodeo with DS businesses as I have now been part of 3. This however has the best support system of all of them for me.

My upline isn’t pushy, she doesn’t do more than asking how are you & do you need help? Often my answer is “Good, nah” but when I do need the help she’s there for me. She hasn’t just “disappeared”.

Not only is she supportive but our little team is supportive. I haven’t been up to recruiting people because I don’t feel like I am at the right space yet. I am able to ask in our group for help and they truly do help me.

I, of course, couldn’t do this without my customers which is constantly an ebb & flow. We have amazing specials and twice a year they do a major outlet sale… which we are in the middle of now. Our current special is awesome too & great for back to school (click the picture to go to my site)

When deciding on joining a team ask about the whole team, not just your recruiter. Look into what YOU love about the product and if that is a viable option, would it work for you? Are you gonna be stuck with a large loan or inventory if your brand flops where you are? How many other sellers in your area? What’s your demographics like?

These are things you might want to look into before jumping in. Some day soon I hope to have my first recruit to my team, but I know that will happen in its own time.

Remember, you can’t really sell something you don’t like, so if you don’t use it on a daily basis, you might want to reconsider.


He has grown so much…

He is no longer my little baby boy of 7 pounds 8 ounces & 19 inches long… he’s 150 something pounds and 5’10″… He’s no longer running for me when he has a boo boo or a friend hurts his heart. He no longer has “the longest story to tell you ever”.

My boy has grown up and sucked up a lot. He has been my cheerleader when I needed it and wants me to be happy. He listens to me, despite not wanting to hear my words.

Today will be his first day of paid employment and I’m not talking abput his paper route but his dream. You see, since March time frame he has been volunteering with one of the best local chefs in our area who has helped teach students to competitively cook. He told my Leo last night that today would be his first day of paid employment!! 😍😍

His work ethic that was training since he was 10 with the paper route has paid off and his learning of high quality customer service lamded him this job.

I want to thank a few people: Jean who gave me the recommendation, Scott for taking him under your wing, Patrick for helping him learn the trade as his mentor, and my hubs for thinking of getting him to check into interning for school volunteer credits. Most of all, thank-you Leo for being super amazing and making my mommy heart swell with pride.

20 Things that make me smile

This is in no particular order… I placed them as they came to mind… some may overlap others…

Leave me a comment with 1 thing that makes YOU smile

20. The unexpected visit from a friend I haven’t seen in 3 years or so.

19. Sleeping in and napping on a lazy weekend.

18. Snagging deals on various things including 4 bookcases, kids clothes, name brand & unused clothes.

17. Songs – silly ones, sad ones, newer ones… choir or my children… Boog is adorable singing 🙂

16. A morning cup of coffee, at home, hot & to the last drop.

15. Memories of the days shenanigans… or the words said by my children… “Uh I have bumps on my butt” as she shakes her butt around the room.

14. Puppies & dogs who can’t bark, whine, howl…. guys, I posted one today on my FB page…. I laughed hard.

13. Seeing people who don’t know how to respond when you randomly smile at them.

12. People learning something new or achieving a goal… like Goob learning to sit or Moose learning to paint his D&D characters.

11. Amazing Grace – I get tears whenever I hear it, but it reminds me of my Grandma who past when I was pregnant with Leo.

10. My dad… I think of our train rides and picking on him when he had his headset on… mouth the words “Can you hear me?” makes for giggles, especially for high schoolers…

9. Mom… I love her and know she is an amazing woman. She wears her emotions on her sleeves, but I smile when I get texts from her… especially in group texts… with people I don’t know 👀 She does mean well and has a gift to be around children… might be why she left the same area we live in… I now have the monopoly on her most Grandkids.

8. When I feel accomplished.

7. When people from the community tell me I’m raising amazing kids. It’s hard to accept that compliment especially when you know it is true… They always, they better always, use their manners in public and show kindness & compassion for others. (Yet they don’t do it at home 🤔)

6. Well, 6 kids make me smile. They are so unique and say random things. But truly they, (Leo, True, Moose, She-Ra, Booger & Goober), keep this momma on her toes.

5. Memes… some are dumb, dome hilarious…

4. Mother’s Day breakfast in bed… all the children & the hubs ensure I get my favorites: french toast, strawberries, homemade whipped cream, coffee, bacon… yup, they drop breakfast & gifts then leave… I smile, but I miss the morning routine.

3. I am me and the world has to deal with that!

2. The times I take too long to get the punch line then laugh way late… yeah, you might get this later.

1. The number one thing that makes me smile… will always be my family. From my parents & sisters, to my 6 kids & their 2 dads (3 each) plus each sides extended families… You gotta smile, no one else accepts you with the same genes (no, not denim) but then again those who might not be in your genetics & called family should be worthy of your smile too!!

Life is crazy and Im still stumbling…

The last few weeks have been crazy!! Between birthday & Fathers Day events to doctor’s appointments that include vaccines & specialist appointments to schedule, to the end of school… Im exhausted!! But another month until I can safely say we should be done with that.

I’m tired with work, but it’s a necessary evil… for now. The hubs and I finally got in & talked with a banker about getting a home equity loan… just looking over the pros and cons & hopefully will help us stop living paycheck to paycheck.

In other news, we have taken in a bunny for a few weeks so I have been blogging with her family too. It’s definitely been fun this week. Boog & She-Ra cut each others hair today… luckily it’s not too bad… unlike when True & Moose shaved each others heads. Goob has been under the weather since Thursday, I stayed home yesterday and well… lack of sleep.

I’m kinda depressed that I have kiddos that are sick and I can’t snap my fingers to be home always with them or make them better… I guess that’s called Mommy Guilt.

Got one kiddo into a painting class for the summer – Moose is learning to paint his D&D figurines. True wants to do soccer this upcoming school year as well as to see if the church she went to quilting class last summer is hosting them again. She-Ra & Boog may start back to their Nonna’s this summer… we shall see.

For me, I have a lot of desires for this summer… like getting this blog going more, my Thirty-One business ( to take off and our bills to decrease amazingly.

Yup, me trying