Testing, testing… Is this thing on??

Hello my friends… it’s been quiet on my end, I know, but no feedback either from you, my readers… so if you can read this…

How are you?

What’s going on in your world? Yes, we live in the same world but you know your world and mine are probably no where near the same.

Which post in this blog do you personally like the most or spoke to you the most?

Do you know where you are in your own battles? Spiritual, physical, mental, or others?

I want my blog to tell you, it’s okay to have battles. It’s ok to have feelings that others don’t understand. It’s okay to live under a rock for a bit but make sure you come out for air, essentials, and life.

What you need to know? I don’t want to judge because that is not my job. I don’t want to condemn you and say “I told you so”. I want you to know that I love you for you, the Judge will determine the rest because He knows you.

I want to be here and share life’s ups and downs and everything in between.

So share below in comments or message me and we can travel this road together.


Summer πŸ’‹

40? How’d that happen?

There comes a time when a birthday comes and you either can be upset you havent done certain things you hoped to or you can embrace who you have become.

So, when did I turn 40?? Yesterday. I have decided that embracing the amazing life I have is what I need to focus on and not the “well i didn’t do this or that.” I still didn’t get my surprise birthday party requiring someone to plan and execute it… Maybe by the next decade…

I’d gladly accept orders for Thirty-one on my page on my Fall launch party AKA my birthday rewards. (Fall Launch Party ). I just am looking forward to this DS being my best one I have joined & continue to grow here.

Yes, 40 can be scary but here’s my goals:

1. Smile more with my children & their shenanigans. πŸ€ͺ

2. Spend more time with my children as time is fleeting.πŸ•°

3. Work better on my relationship with my husband so that my other relationships can grow.πŸ‘«

4. Work my faith more, not just attending church but living a life God wants me to be living.πŸ™ β›ͺπŸ“š

5. Stop caring so much for others approval and more about my family needs, wants and happiness to take priority πŸ‘«πŸ‘±β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ‘±β€β™‚οΈπŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ‘±β€β™€οΈπŸ‘±β€β™€οΈ

6. Build my business. I love it, Im happy with my commissions no matter how small or large they are!πŸ“€πŸ’²πŸ“₯

7. Most importantly, devote time & energy to being healthier so that I will be here for my children longer. πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

So for the next year, I am focusing on these… I know I will stumble, my depression will kick its ugly head up at some time, my kids are gonna make me wish I didn’t have to work and then again wonder why they get dumb over the summer, and more. Life is about accepting and moving forward, not sitting and waiting without trying first.

I know I have done right…

Last night I got a surprise. My amazing 16 year old paid for my hubs and I to go out to dinner at one of the local higher class establishments.

He told the hubs that I was stressed out and we needed to get out. My 16 year old was cognizant of my feelings. He took care of planning it so I had no clue.

We had an hour out… no kids, no phones, no interruptions. We got to see our boy working and enjoying it. He even picked out dessert and plated it himself for us.

I felt relief as this last week mentally was hell for me. I realize he does listen and care.

Love you Leo!!


Here I sit listening to my husband breathing in his sleep, the house is still, yet I am wide awake.

I have been working on a puzzle and thinking about the conversation I just had with my husband… I stumbled over my thoughts and my words were like thick mud that slowly slid down your boots after a romp through a horse field after the rain. Β I knew what I wanted to say but the words were not coming out how I imagined and planned in my head.

I sit and wonder, how am I supposed to be confident in my opinion with my husband when I feel like he comes back attacked?

Well, its because all my relationships have been that way. I have felt inferior to others because my opinion is different, I have an opinion, I might not share the same knowledge, etc.

These demons that I have held on to for so long need to leave because my opinions are just that my opinions… maybe uneducated but point facts to me and I can learn. But dont come back like I am wrong… ya know?

As I contemplate the conversation, I was being real and me, but once that “what do mean?” comes out, I hide… I hate this about myself…

Stumbling over your thoughts and what you wish you could articulate better… that my dears is why I love to write… it might be there forever and a day but I feel my point is across and I can be a success!!