Growing up…

When we are young, we seem to rush the clock… let’s get our license, let’s graduate high school, let’s move out on our own and then… as we enter our adulthood we wonder why the clock doesn’t slow down.

Today, I have a Junior, a 7th grader and a 6th grader. We also have our conference with our Kindergarten teacher. That means I have 2 left home.

As a mom, I’m excited for them. As a mom, I’m sad for me. You see they are growing, having the same rush through time stages and soon it will be saying “Congratulations Graduate” and Leo moving on to his next chapter.

I feel lonely already. I’m trying to make memories with all my children so if something happens they have them to lean back on and take with them. Maybe a tradition they will carry on with.

Depressing that I have missed a bunch of fun things in their lives however I have time and moving forward will be making memories even more now.

Leo, True, Moose, She-ra, Boog, and Goob… I love you so much!!!

Stressed and depressed

Financially strapped, many missed days of work… I hate being sick, hate asking for help… and well, I try to take care of my kiddos as best as I can… sucks when others assume I waste funds and spend frivolously…

I shop for things we like and enjoy; I shop thrift stores and consignment shops; I look at ads for deals; price compare between stores; I try to buy the BOGO items we use…

Yet friends and family seem to think we dont do these things. They think we whine all the time. With first suggestions always you need to a new state…

2018 has been horrible for us and others we know who have it worse.

In an attempt to stay home with the girls, I’m selling Thirty-one Gifts… yet the “It’s too expensive” is the most common answer I get when I ask people if they are interested. Especially from family, it hurts. (link if interested is: Summer’s bags and bling)

I take surveys for a buck or two here and there. I use Ibotta to earn cash back on purchases (I have shared my code so we can be a team, ). I even have a decal on my vehicle to generate income… guess what, no hits in the month Ive had it on my vehicle.

Jason & I go without so that the kids can have things. I fill out financial assistance and 95% of the time we make too much… seriously a family of 8. Our last real date was paid for by our 16 year old… our relationship does its thing with stress like everyone else. But I’m not saying we as a couple aren’t immune to issues.

We have had family member in the 🏥 on and off for about a month, combined visits, since May. We have had our share of issues healthwise…. concussion protocol, broken pinkie, broken elbow, dislocated elbow, colds, fevers, anger outbursts, scrape, cuts, stubbed toes, torn rotator cuff, reinjured rotator cuff, sprained ankles… so you can imagine those bills piling up too.

Why am I venting about this? Because, we are human. We have problems. We want to solve them.

Sometimes it feels lonely, sometimes its depressing, but it’s always about FAMILY.

Family is what you make it, we have family we have adopted… the ones that bring that cup of sugar over when you run out and need some, the ones that offer their words from the other side of the country, the ones who just show up to help… Family doesn’t have to be blood, that’s what being a Navy Brat taught me.

What about you? Do you have those feelings too??

Testing, testing… Is this thing on??

Hello my friends… it’s been quiet on my end, I know, but no feedback either from you, my readers… so if you can read this…

How are you?

What’s going on in your world? Yes, we live in the same world but you know your world and mine are probably no where near the same.

Which post in this blog do you personally like the most or spoke to you the most?

Do you know where you are in your own battles? Spiritual, physical, mental, or others?

I want my blog to tell you, it’s okay to have battles. It’s ok to have feelings that others don’t understand. It’s okay to live under a rock for a bit but make sure you come out for air, essentials, and life.

What you need to know? I don’t want to judge because that is not my job. I don’t want to condemn you and say “I told you so”. I want you to know that I love you for you, the Judge will determine the rest because He knows you.

I want to be here and share life’s ups and downs and everything in between.

So share below in comments or message me and we can travel this road together.


Summer 💋